In the world of Alternate Japan, there are six clans, each of
which only just scrape a living. They survive through the holocaust that has been going on since the Draconis and Helios revealed themselves.
These clans hope to find one another, to search for a destiny and to revive the six daimyo, the likes of which have never
been seen since the days of the Unity...the Sakura Clan.
The Sakura Shogunate
The Hawk Shogunate
The Divine Mystic Shogunate
The Aisha Falcon Shogunate
The Earth/Lightning Shogunate
The Serpent Shogunate
The Leaves Shogunate
The leaves Shogunate concentrate on their Diplomacy. Rather
than go into battle, this clan of warrior monks would prefer to stick to the rules of engagement, which they believe is to
try and fnd a diplomatic and peaceful situation first. However, this doesn't mean that when backed into a corner, the mouse
is scared to strike. These monks have been training for their whole lives to fight if neccassary and are potentially good
against cavalry, but only if they keep up their vigilant training.