Dark Shogunate: Alternate Japan
Chapter 1: History of Japan
Chapter 2: Great Historical Figures
Chapter 3: World We See
Chapter 4: Characters
Chapter 5: Weapons of Death
Chapter 6: Recently Unearthed Scripture
Chapter 7: Scripture Archive
Chapter 8: Links

Chapter 5: Weapons of Death

Learn a little more about these unsung heroes, brush up on your knowledge and realise what their weapons actually do

Please note you can only purchase one of each item
Name: No-Dachi

Desc: 1.9m long sword with a curved edge, used for an offensive attack rather than defense


Name: Katana

Desc: The longsword used by the Samurai, and worn with the Wakizashi as part of the "Daisho" (long and short).


Name: Wakizashi

Desc: The shortsword favoured by samurai, basically a shorter version of the katana.


Name: Ama Goi Ken

Desc: This straight, double-edged shortsword was the weapon of choice in many Japanese temples.


Name: Tanto

Desc: In scale, a Tanto is to a Wakazachi, what a Wakazachi is to a Katana. It's basically the next size down.


Name: Ninja-to

Desc: The Ninja sword is perhaps their most consumate weapon. In style it looks like a Wakizashi, albeit slightly longer and with a straighter blade. Its scabbard featured a removable end-cap so it could be used as a breathing tube or blowgun. Cord was often wound around the scabbard and could be used as a rope. The handle of the sword itself usually featured a secret compartment, holding blowgun needles, or an eggshell grenade.


Name: Paddle

Desc: This was the weapon of a Te master. A skilled user could best a katana wielding samurai.

Two handed weapons
Please note you can only purchase one of each item

Name: Chijiriki

Desc: This long spear features a long, length of weighted chain attached to its butt.


Name: Naginata

Desc: The Naginata is a bladed staff, featuring a short, single-edged, lightly curved blade. A highly regarded weapon, it was often crafted with exceeding quality, and was the weapon taught to many female nobles to use in defense of their homes. In many cases, a skilled practitioner of Naginatajutsu was said to be more than a match for many samurai.


Name: Bisento

Desc: This polearm features a broad, curved blade.


Name: Yari

Desc: The Yari is a spear that features a long, straight, double-edged blade.


Name: Hoko

Desc: The Hoko polearm features a slightly curved, single-edged blade, and a small hooked blade.


Name: Tetsubo

Desc: The tetsubo is for all intents and purposes a Club. At around 1.9m long, it's a sure favourite with many Japanese Barbarian-types. Shaped like a long, narrow baseball bat, the business end features long iron strips, lined with studs.


Name: Masakari

Desc: This hand-axe features a spike opposite the cutting blade. It was used by the Japanese Yamabushi monks.


Name: O-No

Desc: A 2m pole-axe used by the Yamabushi.


Name: Shinobi Zue

Desc: It looks like a staff, until with a quick twist it protrudes a blade and is now a spear


Name: Bo

Desc: It's a staff. Usually about 6" taller than the user.


Name: Yoribo

Desc: basic staff.

Odd/Interesting weapons


This war fan featured iron bars, and was used for parrying and signalling.


This is a very short throwing spear.

Kusari Gama

While not a strictly Ninja weapon, it was certainly favoured by many of them for its versatility. The Kusari Gama is a Kama sickle, with a length of weighted chain attached behind the head. Blows could be made with the chain or blade, but commonly the chain would be used to entangle and disable the target, enabling the user to close in and strike with the Kama.

Kyoketsu Shogi

Similar to the Kusari Gama, the Kyoketsu Shogi was purely a Ninja weapon. Instead of a kama it featured a twin-bladed knife, one balde of which was hooked. Instead of the chain it used rope, and was weighted with a heavy iron ring. The rope was longer than the kusari Gamas chain enabling the weapon to be used as a short rope and grapple as well as a weapon.

Manriki Gusari

The Manriki Gusari is a length of chain weighted at both ends. Used well it was spun with great force and was capable of causing significant blows or entangling an opponent. It was highly concealable, being easily hidden under a sash. It was also very cheap and easy to make.


Ninja often threw handfuls of caltrops behind them to hobble pursuers. Damage is more Impairment than anything else.


Ninja climbing claws. They featured a strap of leather around the palm from which 3-4 short spikes protruded.


Throwing stars! Used to deter pursuit rather than as effective weapons.

Eggshell Grenades

Filled with pepper powder, metal shavings and nettle extract, these were thrown at opponents to blind and irritate them. Ninja can use Fix-it to come up with these. Damage is Impairment only.

Fukumi Bari

Mouth needles. The Ninja used these by rolling their tongue into a tube and blowing a handful of them into the face and eyes of any opponent who was up close to their face.


This was a small, box-like blowpipe, used at very short range (a few foot at most) to blow irritating powder (see eggshell grenades) into the face of targets.


It's a blowgun! Yay! It varied in length but could often be dissasembled for better concealability. Any damage would be due to poison.


Self Explanitory.


Developed from a rice flail, it's two lengths of wood connected by a cord or chain. You've all seen it in use.


This was developed from a sickle. It was often used as a paired weapon.


This was developed from a rice-husking tool. It's a straight bit of wood about the length of your forearm with a handle attached. It's often used in pairs and is excellent to parry with. Oh yeah, and police nightsticks are almost identical.


This is a length of iron bar with a time on either side to catch blows. It was used in pairs, and contrary to belief it rarely featured a sharp point.

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Takemata Hideshige
(After being defeated by Shibata Katsuie)
Shall Ashura
subdue a man like me?
I shall be born again
and then I'll cut the head
off Katsuie...