Date Masaume was the eldest son of Date Terumune,
a locally powerful lord of the Rikuzen area of Mutsu. He was born in September 1566 at Yonezawa and first went by the name
Botenmaru. He assumed control of the Date in 1584 with the retirement of his father and almost immeditaly following his ascension,
Masamune suffered the defection of a Date retainer named Ouchi Sadatsuna. Masamune besieged Ouchi's stronghold at Otemori
and inflicted a terrible price on the traitors. At the same time, tensions between the Date and their traditional rivals the
Hatakeyama began to flare. The lord of the Hatakeyama, Yoshitsugu, evidently attempted to make peace with Masamune on a number
of occasions, but the latter, young and hot-blooded, rebuffed each advance. Finally, Yoshitsugu turned to Terumune to mediate.
The two former rivals sat down and feasted together in a most cordial manner. The following day, Yoshitsugu ostensibly came
to thank Terumune for the enjoyable dinner. He then kidnapped Terumune at sword point, an act both unheard of and shocking.
When Masamune returned from a morning of falconry to learn of his father's abduction, he called his men to arms and set off
after Hatakeyama's entourage. They caught up with Hatakeyama near the Abukuma River. Terumune cried out for Masamune to open
fire on them, regardless of his own safety, but his son hesitated. When Hatakeyama was finally surrounded, he killed Terumune.
Enraged, Masamune put Yoshitsugu and his entourage to the sword.
A general war ensued between the Date and Hatakeyama, the Hatakeyama drawing on support from the Satake, Ashina, Soma,
and other local clans. The allies marched to within a half-mile of Masamune's Motomiya-jo, assembling some 30,000 troops for
the attack. Masamune, having only 7,000 warriors of his owned, prepared a defensive strategy, relying on the series of forts
that guarded the approaches to Motomiya. The fighting began on the 17th of November, and did not progress well for the Date.
Three of his valuable forts were taken, and one of his chief retainers, Moniwa Yoshinao, was killed in a duel with an opposing
commander. The attackers pressed towards the Seto River, which was the last obstacle between them and Motomiya. Date attempted
to turn them back at the Hitadori Bridge, but was driven back. Masamune brought his remaining forces within Motomiya's walls,
and prepared for what would surely be a gallant but futile last stand. But the gods apparently favored the Date, for the next
morning, the main enemy contingent picked up and marched away. These were Satake Yoshishige's men, their lord having received
word that in his absence the Satomi had attacked his lands in Hitachi. Apparently this left the allies with fewer men than
they believed possible to bring down Motomiya, for they too had retreated by the end of the day. This brush with utter defeat
was likely a factor in turning Masamune into the reknowned general he would one day be known as. In his youth, Masamune had
suffered a bout with small pox that caused an infection in his right eye-which he plucked out himself. Combined with his early
aggressive and unstable demeanor, Masamune would earn the tag 'One-eyed Dragon'. That nickname would stick, but became one
of respect.
In 1589, Date defeated the Soma, and bribed an important Ashina retainer, Inawashiro Morikuni, over to his side. He then
assembled a powerful force and marched straight for the Ashina's headquarters at Kurokawa. The Date and Ashina forces met
at Suriagehara on 5 June, and Masamune's forces carried the day, Masamune leading a charge against faltering Ashina ranks,
and breaking them. Unfortunately for the Ashina, Date men had destroyed their avenue of escape, a bridge over the Nitsubashi
River, and those who did not drown attempting to swim to safety were mercilessly put to the sword. By the battle's end, Masamune
could count something like 2,300 enemy heads in one of the more bloody and decisive battles of the Sengoku period to happen
in the far north.
This would be Date Masamune's last expansionist adventure, however. With the coming of the next year Hideyoshi besieged
the Hojo's Odawara Castle. Hideyoshi ordered Date to participate, which he did, though it is said he put off his arrival so
that his spies could report on the likely victor. Since the outcome of the siege was obvious, Date presented himself before
Hideyoshi and apologized for his lateness. Following the conclusion of the siege, however, Hideyoshi ordered Date to relinquish
his newly won holdings in Aizu (perhaps using Date's tardiness as a pretext) and be content with Yonezawa (200,000 koku),
a much-reduced income that doubtlessly did not sit so well with Masamune.
In 1592, Date served in Hideyoshi's headquarters at Nagoya on Kyushu during the Korean invasion. Three years later, he
found himself implicated in the suspected treason of Toyotomi Hidetsugu and was ordered to pack up and move his household
to Iyo on Shikoku, an unthinkable fate (to Date) averted through the good offices of Tokugawa Ieyasu. All in all, it is not
surprising that Date readily joined Tokugawa when war came between the latter and Ishida Mitsunari began in 1600. He had already
married a son to one of Ieyasu's daughters (an act which in itself had aggravated tensions between Ieyasu and his fellow san-bugyo
members) and was likely contemplating how best his remote forces could aid Tokugawa when war began. In the event, he and Mogami
Yoshiakira of Dewa held the forces of Uesugi Kagekatsu at bay, with Masamune's first contribution to the war effort being
the Siege of Hataya. The battles in the north culminated with Masamune's attack on Fukushima Castle. Date and Mogami's efforts
allowed Tokugawa to move west in confidence, and, of course, the campaign culminated in the total victory at Sekigahara in
October 1600. In the aftermath, Date's lands were enlarged to 600,000 koku, and he built a new castle town (Aoba-jo) at Sendai.
In 1613 an interesting chain of events unfolded. Masamune, largely lenient towards the Christians in his lands, interceded
on the behalf of a certain Father Soteho who had been condemned to death for preaching his faith in Japan in defiance of the
anti-Christian edicts. Soteho was released and sent to Sendai, where Date asked if he might arrange for a trade mission to
Europe, accompanied by a few Date retainers. Soteho agreed, and Ieyasu reluctantly consented to Masamune's requests for authorization,
despite fears that the crafty Date was somehow fishing for European aid in a possible overthrow of the Tokugawa. Masamune
dispatched Hasakura Tsunenaga to head the mission, which returned seven years later. The long-time travelers found that Date
had been pressured into initiating a persecution in his territory, and Soteho, arriving at Nagasaki, was once again condemned
to death, and this time burned. Though Date's embassy had come to naught, he maintained his status as a first rate general,
serving in the Osaka Campaigns (1614,1615). His somewhat unusual and at times controversial manner of doing things was best
demonstrated by an incident that occurred during the 1615 siege. Evidently, Masamune became frustrated at the lack of aggression
on the part of friendly troops under Jinbo Sukemochi, and ordered his own men to let off a few rifle volleys in their direction
to goad them into action. Needless to say, this was not an act well looked upon by his fellow generals. |
When Ieyasu was on his deathbed in 1616, Masamune was one of the last of the great
daimyo to see him, presenting his overlord with a piece of Zen poetry. Yet, while they were ostensibly on very good terms,
Tokugawa (nor anyone else for that matter) never fully trusted the unfathomable lord of Sendai. A number of anecdotes have
survived that paint the picture of a lord with an attitude both unreadable and outspoken. In addition, Masamune had a keen
appreciation of the arts, despite his rustic background.
When Masamune died (1636), he was succeded by his son Tadamune (? -1658).
The Katakura, Shiroishi, Endo, Rusu, Oniniwa, and Hasekura clans served the Date loyally.