Dark Shogunate: Alternate Japan
Chapter 1: History of Japan
Chapter 2: Great Historical Figures
Chapter 3: World We See
Chapter 4: Characters
Chapter 5: Weapons of Death
Chapter 6: Recently Unearthed Scripture
Chapter 7: Scripture Archive
Chapter 8: Links
Chapter 1: Year 1511- 1520


Oûchi Yoshi and Rokk Sada defeat Hoso Masa at the battle of Funao.

Ichijô Fusai becomes lord of Tosa province.


Hôjô Soun takes Arai Castle (Sagami) from Miura Yoshi

Asai Suke breaks from the Rokk and establishes the Serpent as an independent daimyo clan in northern Omi.

Môri Motonari defeats Takeda Motoshige near Koriyama (Aki).


Amak Tsune attacks Oûchi Yoshi's outposts in Aki province.

Hôjô Soun retires and is succeded by Hôjô Ujitsu.


Hôjô Soun, the author of "21 House Lessons" dies and is succeded by Ujitsu

Imaga Yoshi is born.


Hoso Sumi dies and is succeded by Haru

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