Dark Shogunate: Alternate Japan
Chapter 1: History of Japan
Chapter 2: Great Historical Figures
Chapter 3: World We See
Chapter 4: Characters
Chapter 5: Weapons of Death
Chapter 6: Recently Unearthed Scripture
Chapter 7: Scripture Archive
Chapter 8: Links
Chapter 1: Year 1501- 1510


The Hawks defeat the Serpents at the Battle of Buzen.


Mura Shuko, an independant diplomat, considered the father of the Tea Ceremony, dies.

1504 - First year of Eishô, 'The Swift'


Asak Norik and the Ikko Ikki of The Leaves clash at Kuzuryu.


Hoso Masa is assassinated by his adopted son Sumi, later revealed to be a Draconis 


Oûchi Yoshi restores the shogun Ashi Yoshi in Kyoto under the name Ashi Falcons, and is named Deputy Kanrei, but not before severing the new Emperor's head.

Shimazu Tadama commits suicide and is succeded by Tada.


Naga Tamek of Draconis defeats Uesugi Sada of the Falcons at the Battle of Etchu.


The first firearm, a Chinese matchlock, to appear in Japan is presented to Hôjô Ujitsu of the Hawks, giving them the edge in battle

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