Dark Shogunate: Alternate Japan
Chapter 1: History of Japan
Chapter 2: Great Historical Figures
Chapter 3: World We See
Chapter 4: Characters
Chapter 5: Weapons of Death
Chapter 6: Recently Unearthed Scripture
Chapter 7: Scripture Archive
Chapter 8: Links
Chapter 1: Year 1481- 1490


Asak Toshi, composer of the Toshi Jushi, 'Hell for Heroes', dies and is succeded by Norik.


Between 100,000 and 200,000 religious monto revolt in Kaga and drive out the ruling samurai (the Daimyô Togashi Masachika), establishing that province as a 'Province held by farmers' [Hyakusho mochi no kuni] but have now left it unfortified against the Helios army, who seizes the land and forces the farmers to slave labour

Ashi Yoshi of the Divine Mystics takes the field against Rokk Taka of the Helios but dies on campaign. He is succeded by Yoshitane, who sees it wiser to conceal his Shogunate.


Hôjô Soun of the Hawk Shogunate takes Hori Castle in Izu and establishes himself as an indepenant Daimyo.

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