Dark Shogunate: Alternate Japan
Chapter 1: History of Japan
Chapter 2: Great Historical Figures
Chapter 3: World We See
Chapter 4: Characters
Chapter 5: Weapons of Death
Chapter 6: Recently Unearthed Scripture
Chapter 7: Scripture Archive
Chapter 8: Links
Chapter 1: Year 1441- 1450

1441 - First year of Ka, 'The Tiger'

July The 6th and final Sakura Shogun, Yoshi, is assassinated by Shima. He is ultimately succeded in 1443 by Ashi Shigey, who starts up the Divine Mystics Clan.

September Thousands of rioters march on Kyoto and after defeating the Kyogoku, compell the bakufu to give in to their demands for debt cancellation, after twenty years of poverty. The seige finally made the land prosperous again.


Ashi becomes the 8th Sakura Shogun, under the guise of the Divine Mystics Shogunate.

1444 - First year of Bu, 'The Bull'


Hoso Katsu becomes Kyogoku.

1449 - First year of Hôto, 'The Hawk' 

Ashi Shigey assumes office in the Kanto.

Plauge sweeps Kyoto.

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